Google Maps newest feature incorporates machine learning. When users head over to Google Maps they will not only be able to get recommendations of highly rated restaurants in their area. But also those restaurants most popular dishes!
“The popular dishes feature is powered by a machine learning algorithm that matches dish names, provided by Google Maps users, with relevant photos and reviews. This creates a handy arrangement of a restaurant’s most popular meals right at your fingertips in Google Maps.”
How to find most popular dishes:
- Open up Google Maps
- Type in a restaurant of your choosing
- Hit the overview tab, here is where you will find all the popular dishes
- Hit the menu tab, here is where you will find the most talked about dishes
Google explains that this new feature would not be possible if it wasn’t for their community. People are constantly sharing their restaurant experiences whether that be through writing a review or snapping a photo of their meal.
How Restaurant Owners can use this to their advantage, SEO style:
Recommendations and reviews are crucial to the food and beverage industry. This is a big part on how restaurants get their name out but also if the person should stop in and check them out. Google Maps new feature, most popular dishes helps optimize their maps listing and image search. It would behoove all restaurants to encourage their customers to continue taking pictures of their food and sharing their reviews.
The phone eats first is a thing now.